понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

blackbeard discovery

I would really like the liberal international bloggers to Be. Less. Condescending. Theyapos;re not helping out the side. Quite the opposite.

Honestly, I agree with them politically, but I kind of want to put a flaming bag of dog poo on their front stoop every time I read a passive-aggressive "you do understand, donapos;t you?" or a "do you get how important this is?"

Yes, actually we do. Sorry weapos;re not displaying the fevered-pitch of hysteria that they deem appropriate. Itapos;s been a long, long campaign and trying to maintain some semblance of sanity has been pretty much a full time job. What may look like disengagement, may just be someone creating a safe space for themselves.

And for serious here, who do they think theyapos;re talking to? The great mass of idiot Americans they apparently think theyapos;re addressing sure donapos;t read their blogs. Theyapos;re only condescending to the converted.

God. Iapos;m starting dislike the people on my own end of the ideological spectrum as much as the ones at the other.
blackbeard discovery, blackbeard die, blackbeard death, blackbeard cruises.com.

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